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Grounded! Architectural Structures Rooted in Site

Modern architecture by Jill Neubauer

当被问及现代建筑最吸引她的是什么时,建筑师吉尔·纽鲍尔(Jill Neubauer)说 Jill Neubauer Architects, Inc. 慢慢地回答:“现代建筑是有反应的.” There’s a freedom to it, 一种超越传统四面墙的安全思考的无畏, maybe even a responsibility. “Modern means opening yourself up to the site, to the possibilities, to the earth and the sun, to everything,” she says poetically. And bringing it in.

Jill Neubauer建筑事务所设计的植根于自然的建筑

Built by Miller 星巴克建筑|景观建筑/ Stephen Stimson Associates |摄影/ Lucas Allen

她自己的家,幸运松(上图),绝对反映了它的地点,它的主人和她的回忆. Growing up, Neubauer 每年夏天,她都会在威斯康星州西北树林里祖父母的小木屋里度过一段时间. 小屋是用那里砍伐的树木建造的,就像幸运松一样. 当她买下这块地的时候,它长满了“壮美的白松”.” Most of the trees could be protected, but those that couldn’t were cut, 干燥后作为结构系统并入建筑物内. On the home’s exterior, 一棵巨大的柱树支撑着棚屋式的屋顶, while inside, 厨房和大厅是用多节的白松木建造的. In fact, Lucky Pines' warm kitchen, 楼梯和图书馆使用的是室外土地上的树木, 与办公室(见下图)整合了从纽鲍尔在佛蒙特州的土地上带来的白桦树. 纽鲍尔解释说:“树木和房屋之间有直接的联系。. “It’s literal.”

Jill Neubauer建筑事务所的建筑植根于自然,Bernice Wahler景观事务所的景观建筑

Built by Cape Associates | Landscape architecture by Bernice Wahler Landscapes | Photography by Peter Vanderwarker

纽鲍尔的Gunning Point项目(见上图), 与景观设计师Bernice Wahler的共同努力 Bernice Wahler Landscapes and built by Cape Associates更为抽象,是对景观力量的深思熟虑的表达. Located on the banks of a salt pond, 大量的树木过滤了水景, the site proved challenging. 早期,Wahler和Neubauer考虑了土地与家庭循环的关系.

Jill Neubauer建筑事务所的建筑植根于自然,Bernice Wahler景观事务所的景观建筑

左图:Gunning Point的“树木”餐厅和结构支撑(左)与地形的树木相呼应. Site super Andrew Murphy of Cape Associates was critical to the team, 在处理家里的“倾斜树木”时,他有一种积极进取的态度. In the dining room, 这家人为Pairpoint玻璃公司的手工吹制玻璃吊灯收集了浮木,该吊灯照亮了saltwood Boston制作的黑胡桃活边餐桌(腿由Costa Fabrications制作)。.

在发现建筑没有从关键的室内空间提供他们想要的景观之后, 他们顺利通过了保护许可程序,“尽可能把房子推到自然保护区。,” says Bernice Wahler, 并赋予它“与海岸银行的亲密关系”.Wahler说,她把房子缝合到场地上,营造出“树屋般的结构”. 纽鲍尔在家里养成了这种习惯, 把森林作为支柱带进去——有些是直立的, some leaning—in a peaceful, directly relatable way. The design doesn’t mimic the terrain; it cuts to its essence and crystallizes it.

豪华野营场地由建筑师Jill Neubauer Architects设计

Jill Neubauer建筑事务所设计的豪华帐篷有一个结构框架和一个由丹佛帐篷公司制造的拉链帐篷. 建筑师可以在大约三个月的时间内完成一个. 它们的外观取决于叙事,但总有一个桥牌Photography by Meredith Hunnibell 

Sometimes, rather than welcoming the outside in, Neubauer takes her designs outside, in the form of “glamps,这个词混合了“魅力”和“营地”,指的是为与自然交流而设计的帐篷结构. For 30 years, 纽鲍尔收集了一些华丽帐篷的图片,从阿拉伯文化的沙漠帐篷到狩猎帐篷,再到拉尔夫·劳伦(Ralph Lauren)风格的现代优雅帐篷. She has been “watching them, and longing for them,” she shares, and, after occupying one in Moab, Utah, she went home and made one. 如今,她为避暑别墅和孙子空间设计各种形状和大小的家具. Complete with real linen and beds, bureaus, lamps and/or candles, “glamps是任何人都能住过的最难忘的客房,” she says.

由高端科德角建筑师Jill Neubauer设计的Glamp帐篷

伯尼斯·沃勒(Bernice Wahler)为右上图中的glamp工作. As a child, she was always building forts in the woods, 所以和纽鲍尔一起建造这座建筑让她又回来了. She was involved in siting it, 创建一个归化的路径,并制定一个管理计划的入侵, such as poison ivy, 为了支持帐篷在景观中的功能. Photography by Meredith Hunnibell

隐藏在离主屋足够远的地方,是一场冒险, 纽鲍尔的豪华野营证明了一个人的经历不会在房子的墙壁上结束. “It’s the entire site,” she underscores. “That’s an amazing thing, so let’s use it.”

Top image: photography by Peter Vanderwarker

photography: Peter Vanderwarker

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