
Gardens Inspired by Art: Amy Martin景观设计

现代亚洲 Art Garden by Amy Martin景观设计

As the days get longer and the weather begins to warm, we are reminded that spring is on the way and it is time to plan the landscape you’ve been longing for all winter. If you are dreaming of an outdoor sanctuary that is breathtakingly beautiful, 外观整洁独特, 看看艾米·马丁就知道了 Amy Martin景观设计. Martin is well-known for creating gorgeous, one-of-a-kind landscapes—also known as Art Gardens—by using famous works of art as inspiration. 在她的艺术花园里, Martin uses the work of a specific artist or works of art to influence and inspire her landscape design “to guide the composition of forms and the selection of materials to build an outdoor space to correspond with the work of art.”  

艾米·马丁 Amy Martin景观设计

艾米·马丁 Amy Martin景观设计,米利森·哈维(Millicent Harvey)拍摄 

Martin analyzes the elements of specific works of art or the themes and methods of a particular artist and applies them directly into the landscape design, 就像她在康定斯基花园中看到的那样. She explains her approach; “The Kandinsky Garden was directly influenced by ‘拱与尖’, with the red arcing concrete sitting wall wrapping around a black fire pit kettle balanced on stones. The yellow chairs echo the yellow bubble shapes in the 绘画, while the brown deck emulates the brown rectangle and the square patio pavers indicate the grid work pattern in the 绘画.” 

Kandinsky Art Garden by Amy Martin景观设计左: 拱与尖 by Wassily Kandinsky,米利森·哈维(Millicent Harvey)拍摄 

Martin feels passionately about bringing the magic out of a preexisting space. Her design process always begins with understanding the current situation at hand—she focuses on understanding the people who live there, 他们想要怎样的生活, 对他们来说什么是重要的, and what nature is currently doing in that space. The Delaunay Garden is one example of how art, nature and the clients influenced her design. She explains, “The Delaunay Garden was inspired by Sonia Delaunay’s 绘画 from 1920’s Paris. The clients wanted a sense of movement and dimension in the garden, so the retaining wall has a serpentine curve and the patio pattern reflects the discs in the 绘画. Plantings were mostly in blue and yellow amidst many structural evergreens.” 

Delaunay Art Garden by Amy Martin景观设计

左: 碟形组合 by Sonia Delaunay, photograph by Amy Martin 

While Martin has always chosen the art inspiration for her landscape designs, she is eager to work with a client who has their own concept in mind they can develop together. When searching for inspiration, Martin often gravitates towards modern art. She believes it carries a strong emotion and composition that is easier to translate into a landscape than other styles. Amy exhibits her modern influence in the 现代亚洲花园, “现代亚洲花园 was inspired by this Fine Art Print on the mantel of these art-collecting clients. The swaying form of the body became the theme for the project resulting in the custom gate of swaying forms leaning against a modern louvered granite gate. The boulder sculpture (shown in top photo) also echoes the human form among the pebbled ground layer next to the undulating lines of the bluestone patio.”  

现代亚洲 Art Garden by Amy Martin景观设计

左: 现代亚洲,米利森·哈维(Millicent Harvey)拍摄 

Martin compares her landscape creations to her children—she devotes endless time, 护理, 把思想融入到每一个设计中. She is currently working on a project that she is particularly excited about—her own garden inspired by Matisse’s 金鱼 绘画. The landscape will be complete with a goldfish pond, 循环途径, patio furniture echoing the forms and colors in the 绘画, as well as a black pergola bench for meditating alongside the movement of the fish. This one-of-a-kind landscape will be complete this summer, and we cannot wait to see the finished result.  

上图: 现代亚洲花园,米利森·哈维(Millicent Harvey)拍摄  
